
It was such a treat to learn about writing & storytelling with Tim Wendel and OBL with Judy Landau. 

Tim gave some really great storytelling advice. He suggested working backwards, and to think about how you want the reader (viewer, visitor, listener) to feel in the end. “Don’t wing it”, he said. As I think about my group’s project I’m now realizing that is a great way to begin working on the stories of the objects. 

Judy’s OBL lesson gave me great ideas on how to hook the audience and keep their attention. The cell phone activity really got me thinking about how you can pull a theme from just about anything. 

The storytelling activity at NPG was another great tool for getting the creativity flowing. Again, it was another example of how objects can connect if you are able to tell the right story. It was also nice to use some of what Tim and Judy talked about in their lessons. 

I learned a lot about conservation in the tour as well. I had no idea the amount of training one needs in order to be a professional. 

This is a photo from the NPG’s Bravo exhibition. The details are amazing! It is the bottom of Ethel Merman’s dress. 

and one more, just because. 

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